What are the signs/symptoms of the different stages of pregnancy? - pregnancy stages more condition_symptoms
Well, I'm writing another story (the need to an end, I know!) And there's a pregnant girl in it ... So, I need stages of pregnancy.
You know ... than when the stomach begins to swell, wants to achieve, if you pee like every 5 minutes, and came the morning sickness .... I asked my mother, but she is not available and must start with the letter.
I started showing at 5 months
immediate needs
Urinate frequently the 1st and 3 Quarter
Morning sickness at 6 weeks
I started showing at 5 months
immediate needs
Urinate frequently the 1st and 3 Quarter
Morning sickness at 6 weeks
I started showing at 5 months
immediate needs
Urinate frequently the 1st and 3 Quarter
Morning sickness at 6 weeks
Good for all women is different. some are beginning to appear at around 10 weeks and some do not speak of 4 months. However, the average of about 3 months. Request may begin in about 4-6 weeks, as one of the first signs of prego. The same goes for the pee, but it is much worse during the 8 months. Sometimes even before it once the baby drops. Morning sickness does not occur for all women, because I am a mother of two children and my first time either with my 2nd and I could not stay out of the toilet. And you can not start the baby move in one months, only 5, not what to feel. Because it is a big step in some of these prego.
U must first see who is different from woman to woman, I give u all the possible scenarios. I had had my first signs of pregnancy in the first month, I can run to the bathroom every hour, if not quite like me. After a month and a half, I had my disease, not only in the morning, he was the day every minute. I threw the water. could throw more than 15 times per day. not all women are like that, some do so only in the morning and when cookies before you out of bed, could not overcome in my situation, and it took 3 months. Also, I was too tired, too sick, smells and foods. No one can use a perfume in my presence. Moreover, u lose the desire to talk to anyone or if you want to keep a distance from each, including UR husband. Then things calmed down in the fourth month of pregnancy. I began to feel the baby kick in the fifth month. I did not grow, except in the sixth month, and has a rapid weight gain, which does not show not much from the outside. In other words:s, I gained about 8 pounds, but I felt a period of three months of pregnancy may depend on such that u not on the size of the stomach to say the month is anyone on anything so bad it happened in the month 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., with the exception back pain and is somewhat difficult to use the stairs. Now I'm in my last month with a slight belly, that just shows that I'm pregnant, but current month no and I'm waiting for delivery of my first child. by the way, or you can choose the sex of the baby, fifth from the month. Moreover, u must know the stages of pregnancy are divided into 3 trimesters, and the gestation period is 41 weeks.good luck with the history of the Uruguay Round.
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