Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mini-strokes More Condition_symptoms Im 47yo I Have Jst Left Hospital After Having 6 Mini Strokes. I Dnt Feel Any Different, Must I Stay Off Work?

Im 47yo I have jst left hospital after having 6 mini strokes. I dnt feel any different, must I stay off work? - mini-strokes more condition_symptoms

Everything depends on your work and above all, what the consultant said, give your doctor a ring and talk.
If you drive --
Those who have suffered a TIA, should go not only for 1 month. The patient must inform the insurance company. Who's with multiple DRM over a short period must comply with the DVLA and your insurance company. They will probably be banned for 3 months.

The attempt to exercise because it facilitates


Mick gsd said...

You need to relax and watch your diet, I had to bore a heart attack in February and another brain drain vavle.You you at home, but do what the hospital tells you and everything will be alright. Do not do things as usual to create the same and he / k. Read labels and watch the fat content before buying the underside of the better.Work be here when we improve the time being. Take care.

sweet r said...

Was not feel "different" than in U, in the first place. wait if u U Feel different than the way UR or feel now can not at this time in the hospital to go to urself like, well, take it easy.

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